en:camera_take_photo [ОрбиКрафт 3D]


What is Orbicraft for?

Assembling the OrbiCraft 3D

OrbiCraft 3D interfaces

Work with earth-based UHF

Work with Wifi

Work through the WEB interface

Required software and library description

Houston Control Center Software

Arduino-Based payload

Laboratory equipment



ERS using a camera on OrbiCraft 3D

There are two ways to take photo with a functional kit:

  • Using Houston Application;
  • Using Houston Telnet Client;
  • Using Web-interface.

Taking photos in Houston Application

  1. Connect the ground UHF module to your PC;
  2. Open Houston Application and Houston Server;
  3. Choose in Houston Application command F Raspberry Pi and set parameters (figure 1):
  • id: 10
  • arg: 0

Figure 1. Taking photo in Houston Application

  1. Press the button To Server and open the Web-interface;
  2. Upload your page and scroll it down to look through photos (figure 2):

Figure 2. Viewing the received photos in the Web-interface

Taking photos in Houston Telnet Client

To make photos in Houston Telnet Client: 1. Connect the ground UHF module to your PC, open Houston Telnet Client, Houston Application, Houston Server. Configure connection by UHF or when connecting directly, start the Houston Server. Make sure that in the string of the main window you see the message Server: connected. If it's not, check the parameter Telnet port in Settings and connection to Houston Server. 2. First of all, check photos in the memory of the Raspberry. To do this, press the button List Photos (figure 3):

Figure 3. Information about saved photos in Raspberry

As you can see on the figure 3, there are two photos in the Raspberry's memory: 1 and 2.

In the folder Telnet should be no photos with the same name! If there are photos with the same name, then set a flag in Telnet on Overwrite

3. To take a photo press the button Shot! and you will receive a notification that a photo has been taken with the following serial number. In the following example the number of the photo is 3 (figure 4):

Figure 4. Taking a new photo

To learn how to send photo by UHF connection read Transfer photos with Raspberry Pi by UHF

Taking photos by programming in Web-interface

  1. Open Web-interface;
  2. Write the following code:
#include <stdio.h>
void control(void) 

You can download code Photo_test.c from the list of programms in Web-interface.

en/camera_take_photo.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/15 20:12 by ekaterina.manucharova